Bag Stuffing
Bag stuffing volunteers will place informational materials into conference attendee bags and neck wallets. They may be asked to provide other related NRPA ‘swag’ related assistance.
Best of the Best Ceremony
Best of the Best Ceremony volunteers will assist NRPA staff with checking in attendees and ushering groups to their seating area as needed.
Day 2 General Session Usher
Day 2 General Session Ushers will assist with greeting and directing attendees upon their arrival and may help pass out programs or handouts to attendees if needed.
Exhibit Hall Luncheon Ticket Taker
Exhibit Hall Luncheon Ticket Takers will assist with taking tickets and handing out boxed lunches on the exhibit hall floor.
Floor Captain (including PCWs and Speed Session Floor Captains)
Floor captains will be posted outside of session rooms to provide support to the Room Hosts and assist when information or supplies are needed, contact the proper person for help if an education room needs AV assistance and check rooms to ensure all assigned Room Hosts arrive on time and with the assigned
session packet. (Two-way radios will be provided for communication purposes.)
Flying Squad
Flying Squad members will help fill in for positions or areas where additional volunteers may be needed. Tasks might involve: replacing volunteers who have not arrived for their assignments, delivering messages/documents, generally acting as a ‘runner,’ assisting with possible emergencies, etc.
Hospitality Attendant
Hospitality Attendants will assist attendees by checking out/in mobility scooters and devices, answering questions regarding conference events and direct attendees to NRPA’s wellness rooms. (Having basic conference knowledge and knowing how to navigate the conference App would be helpful at this station.)
Opening General Session Usher
Opening General Session Ushers will assist with greeting and directing attendees upon their arrival and may help pass out programs or handouts to attendees. Ushers may also help with directing attendees directly to the exhibit hall once the program ends.
NRPA Member Area Assistant (Exhibit Hall)
Member Area volunteers will assist NRPA staff in the designated areas/departments within the Member Booth, to include helping to keep the areas clean and organized, supporting NRPA staff and other volunteers, answering attendee questions or directing them to NRPA staff as needed.
NRPA Swag Attendant (Exhibit Hall)
NRPA Swag Attendants will assist with swapping badge tickets for NRPA sponsored swag or for other Member Area responsibilities which will be eligible to exchange for fun, limited edition NRPA member swag items.
Opening Reception
Volunteers will assist with collecting tickets, handing out party passports, or performing other tasks relating to directions or entry into the reception. They also may be dedicated to assisting an event sponsor by greeting VIP Guests.
Registration Area Line Usher
Line Ushers will assist in the registration area with directing attendees to the correct registration counter (Pre-Registered or Onsite Registration) and may answer attendee questions as needed. Line Ushers will likely be carrying lollipop signs and must be able to walk and stand for extended periods.
Research Poster Session Host
Research Poster Session Host duties include assisting poster presenters prior to and during the poster session. They will monitor the poster session and assist when information or supplies are needed; contact the proper person for help if assistance is needed; check the poster area to ensure all poster presenters
arrive on time and are able to find and hang their poster in their assigned space. (Materials and training will be provided onsite.)
Room Host (Pre-Conference Workshops)
PCW Room Host duties include assisting speaker(s) by making announcements prior to and/or following the session providing information about how to acquire CEUs and how the evaluation process works through a supplied Host Script. Room Hosts may also report any audio-visual problems to the Floor
Captain or Audio-Visual team; serve as time monitors for speakers; and help with handouts, lighting, etc. May also need to assist with the App-based CEU process and Evaluation system.
Round Table Session Room Host
Session Room Host duties include assisting speaker(s) by making announcements prior to and/or following the session providing information about how to acquire CEUs and how the evaluation process works through a supplied Room Host Script. Room Hosts might also report any audio-visual problems to
the Floor Captain or Audio-Visual team. May also need to assist with the App-based CEU process and Evaluation system. (Additional info and a training will be supplied approximately two weeks prior to the conference.)
Session Room Host (Education Sessions, Speed Sessions, Round Table Sessions)
Session Room Host duties include assisting speaker(s) by making announcements prior to and/or following the session providing information about how to acquire CEUs and how the evaluation process works through a supplied Room Host Script. Room Hosts might also report any audio-visual problems to
the Floor Captain or Audio-Visual team. May also need to assist with the App-based CEU process and Evaluation system.
Volunteer Room
Volunteer Room volunteers will assist in the Volunteer Room with checking volunteers in and out for their scheduled assignments; providing support with handing out and receiving in session packets for education sessions and will provide general information to other volunteers when necessary. Other duties may also be assigned as needed.