Orlando, Florida
Exhibits: September 16-17
Conference: September 16-18


Pricing & Packages

Find information about rates, requirements and packages for exhibitors below.

Exhibit Rates and Booth Packages

Number of Booths
Early Bird Rates through 3/31/25
1- 5 booths
$3,245 per 10x10
6-9 booths
$3,145 per 10x10
10+ booths
$3,045 per 10x10
*NGO/NPO Rate (Regardless of number of booths)
*Non-Governmental Organization or Not-for-Profit Rates
Upgrades, Additional Fees
1 corner
2 corners
Island (4 corners)
Premium Exhibit Area**


For inquiries or questions, please email  exhibits@nrpa.org.

Requirements to Exhibit

  • Each exhibit area needs flooring or carpet, which you can rent from our third-party provider, Hargrove, or you can bring your own.
  • Each exhibitor must provide a certificate of insurance.
  • Each exhibitor must not exceed 8 feet in height, unless you are a stand-alone exhibit (no booths connected to you) or an island exhibitor with 400’ SQF or more.
  • Booths do not come with carpet, tables, chairs, electrical, WiFi lead retrieval, etc. You can rent those items from our third-party providers. You may bring your own flooring, tables and chairs.


Each 10×10 booth includes:

  • 5 Booth Staff Personnel Passes: These are for staff who will be working at the booth. The badge will provide access during exhibit hall hours, move-in and move-out hours.
  • 2 Guest Passes: These are for guests you want to invite. They receive access during exhibit hall hours only.


Each exhibitor — regardless of size — receives:

  • 1 Full Conference Education Pass: Additional passes can be purchased.
  • 1 Ticket to the NRPA Opening Celebration: The exhibitor will receive this on-site when they pick up their badge. Additional passes can be purchased when registration opens in May.



Standard Booth Package

  • Backwall drape is 8 feet and side curtains are 3 feet. Corner booths do not have a 3-foot side curtain. You cannot exceed 8 feet in height as a linear or corner booth.
  • One 7-inch by 44-inch, single-line identification sign per in-line exhibitor.
  • Pipe and drape are not included for stand-alone, or island booths.


Premium Exhibit Package

If you select this area, you are required to pay $700. Other items included in the premium exhibit package are:
  • One-time use of the NRPA membership list (*direct-mail use only) or one-time use of the pre- or post-show attendee list (*direct-mail use only)
  • One-year NRPA Individual Supplier Membership
  • One monthly subscription to NRPA’s Parks & Recreation magazine

*NRPA does not release an attendee or membership list directly to your company. We provide the list to a mail house that you send your marketing materials to for distribution. Any costs associated with sending direct-mail marketing are at the expense of the exhibitor and is not included in the Premium Exhibit fee.

To learn more, contact Ruth Wheeler at 703.858.2178 or rwheeler@nrpa.org.

Ruth Wheeler
Senior Corporate Development Officer
rwheeler@nrpa.org | 703.858.2178 (pacific time zone)